Sunday, September 15, 2013

Cut the circular cake in 8 in 3 cuts

1. Make 2 cuts vertical and horizontal and cut 3rd one from center along complete area so we have 4 pieces dived by 2 i.e. 8 but this will be unfair as half the pieces will not have cream so let's find 2nd way out

2. Make 2 cuts vertical and horizontal now stack the 4 pieces 1 on each other and cut along again you will have 8 pieces in all.

Weight the flight

A flight started from chennai airport to thiruvananthapuram for a journey of around 2 and half hours..The weight of the flight in chennai airport is 1000kg, what would be the weight of the flight in thiruvananthapuram airport?

 Ans: Weight would be less because amount of fuel is reduced.

Lowest weighed ball

Q1. There are total of 10 balls , out of that 9 were of same weight and 1 is off diff weight, find that ball using minimum measurement?

Divide balls into group of 3,3,3,1

Weight the first 2 groups of 3 balls if they are equal then they don't have the ball the group with lowest weight has the ball

Now we have 4 ball's left weigh them by dividing them into 2 groups of 2 balls. The group with lowest weight has the ball

Now weigh 2 ball's with each other and you will have ball with lowest weight.