Saturday, February 12, 2011

Find the Share of each Fisherman

5 Fisherman of different ages find a treasure of 100 gold coins,On their ship,they decide to split the coins using the following scheme

The Oldest Fisherman proposes how to share the coins and all Fisherman remaining will vote for or against it.

If he achieves 50% votes in his favor then all the coins are shared as per his recommendation.Else he is thrown out of ship and the process repeats

Assuming that all Fisherman are intelligent,rational,greedy and fear death.

What is each ones share?

1 comment:

  1. Lets start with 2 fisherman first.The elder one will give all the coins to the other one why?

    If the other does not votes his idea he will die.
    so their share is


    Now for 3 Fisherman
    The 3rd one takes 99 coins gives 1 to just younger and gives 0 to youngest.

    So the Division is
    Remember the youngest will protest but the of no use as his just elder is getting now 1 as compared to last case where he was getting 0

    Now for 4

    Remember the fisherman are smart if here he gives one each to last 2 then fisher man who is second from youngest will feel as he was getting same last time even so he gets one more and youngest who was getting nothing gets 1

    Now for 5

    Remember now both the youngest and middle one are getting one more and thus he gets 50% votes which is the answer

    So Answer is

    Start from two persons and try to satisfy the puzzle from those who have got very less
