Saturday, February 12, 2011

Find The Share

Paul, Quallis and Robert divide a sum of money among themselves in the ratio 2:3:7. Find the share of Paul if the total share of Paul and Quallis together is Rs 1500 less than that of Robert.

1 comment:

  1. Let the total amount of money they have be T
    And the respective shares of Paul, Quallis and Robert be P, Q and R.

    Now, P + Q + R = T ----- (1)

    Given that the amount is to be divided in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 7, the total share of P and Q is Rs 1500 less than R, i.e.,

    P + Q = R - 1500 ----- (2)

    From (1) and (2);
    P + Q = T - R ----- (3)

    Comparing equation (2) and (3)
    R - 1500 = T - R;
    2R = 1500 + T; or
    R = (1500 + T) / 2 ----- (4)

    But R's share is
    [7 / (2 + 3 + 7)] * T = (7/12) T ----- (5)

    From (4) and (5),
    (1500 + T) / 2 = (7/12) T
    18000 = 14 T - 12 T
    T = 9000.

    So total amount is Rs 9000.
    P's share = [2 / (2 + 3 + 7)] * 900 = Rs1500.
